
WORKSHOP: Personal History and Documentary by SDN
Social Documentary Network (SDN) is a global community of documentary photographers, editors, curators, journalists and others who believe in the power of visual storytelling to build understanding and appreciation for the complexities, nuances, wonders, and contradictions that abound in the world today. In 2015, SDN founded ZEKE: The Magazine of Global Documentary, a print and digital publication featuring the best of global documentary.
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KNOWLEDGE: Direct Digital Films
If you are looking to up your knowledge on new and existing kit then our friends over at Direct Digital have produced a series of short films, made in-house by staff in the know. Offering useful setup techniques as well as answering some of the most frequently asked questions. We hope you enjoy the series.

FOCUS: Female Perspective Agency
We catch up with AOP Agent member Tabatha Fireman director of all women agency, Female Perspective. Read on to find out the inspiration behind the agency, the female gaze and future plans for a photo library shot my women.
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We have been very fortunate throughout our 50 - plus years of existence, to have such committed support from members that have dedicated their time to making the AOP what it is today. Janet Ibbotson and Martin Evening share fond memories in a moving insight below into one of our most colourful and influential members; Mike Laye. Mike was a key part of the AOP and a protagonist in implementing important changes in copyright law, which ultimately resulted in the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.
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Highlighting exceptional blue hued images from Find a Photographer to lift the spirits on this 'Blue Monday'.
Read MoreANNOUNCEMENT: New AOP Board Directors
We are delighted to announce two new AOP Board Directors: Nathan Ford joins the board as an Assisting Photographer Member, Hat Margolies - Director of Lucid Rep joins us as an Agent Member.
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MMX Gallery is delighted to present Ignition – a solo show by AOP Photographer, George McLeod. The exhibition brings a selection of works from black and white and colour series which are curated over two virtual gallery rooms that can be visited at any time online.

FOCUS: Williamson Carson - Protecting yourself in a digital world
Our good friends Williamson & Carson have been looking after AOP Member's for many years! They talk to us about what sets them apart from other insurers along with how you can prepare and protect yourself in this increasingly digital world.
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